The progression of the stories in this trilogy, and in Super Sales for Super Heroes was so close, I felt all six books could be summed up in one review. Though Arand did not include it in the summary for this trilogy, on SS for SH he wrote

“Warning and minor spoiler: This novel contains graphic violence, undefined relationships/partial harem, unconventional opinions/beliefs, [etc]”

Take that to heart. If you like your stories to contain an extremely powerful man who collects women that he has great power over (literal slavery in SS for SH and he’s a human and they’re NPCs in OD). And if you like those women to basically get Stockholm syndrome and grow to love him unconditionally. And if you like your male character to do “all the right things” for women so it disguises the massive power imbalance and let’s him seem like a benevolent, loving wonderful person. And, importantly, if you like the great majority of the book to go over those relationships constantly, taking up a great deal of time and effort that other sci-fi stories might have used to focus on plot. If that sounds like your cup of tea, don’t walk, run to spend your credits on all six books. But the thought of this is giving you a bit of a headache, please don’t buy them thinking things will get better. They wont. It gets worse as they progress. The two trilogies both have the same general themes, the angst over who the main character is allowed to sleep with, and the same benevolent god complex that made me so happy they were about to end.

That said, I gave the stories 3 stars because for what they were, the author wrote them well. As I said, if the subject is your cup of tea, then he’s done a good job of picking nice tea leaves and presenting it in a lovely china cup. But being the savior so the women you awaken can all fawn over you? I have a very different view of men/women relationships, and honestly, the author needs to get a grip. If not on reality (hey, it’s a sci-fi novel after all), then at least on the reality of how humans operate.

Oh yeah, and Jeff Hays is awesome. As usual 🙂