The series has developed in a way that I am happy to say is believable, if you believe in the possibilities of what we can accomplish with science.
The fact that almost all the alien life portrayed in the series has almost human like behavior as far as commerce and social functions is possibly a bit of a stretch, but at least it creates a reality that you can participate in if it is true.

The situations this crew get caught up in are amazing, in consideration of their potential importance on the galactic scale, but with the bravado and style they bring, how could they be anything less?

With the style of a wild west frontier, the tech of star wars, and an ability to relate like someone we probably all knew growing up, this series ties strings around your desire to see what happens next, and live like you are a part of it.

After the incredible fortune of reuniting the crew, can Jason piece together the events that have cost him so much. Can Cage connect the dots well enough to figure out where they need to be next? Can Crusher stand by when his home world eventually falls to this new threat? Will Twingo be given a chance to integrate the Travelers energy weapon and dimensional jumping into the Phoenix? Will Jasons son make an appearance and cost everyone?

So much potential, and so much more that could happen. I am eager to get into the next book in the series.

But to be an honest critic, I have to bring up the negative.

Lucky has a back story that is not exactly… Without continuity errors. His age has varied. The count of lot 700 at one time was 38… Then 37. Now there are 36 after the loss of the slicer specialist unit. The synth concept needed to be more explored before used, but I think it has finally matured into a useable concept.

While I look forward to some imaginative abilities of the new Lucky, I hope the abilities remain in the realm of believability. I don’t think I could handle the battle synth being able to teleport himself, but I could believe an active camouflage to infiltrate highly secured facilities.

Aside from that little knit pick in continuity, the series is fairly solid and fun.