I have mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed the narrator. She vocal characterizations enabled me to visual the various characters. But Kaitlyn came across as very naive. Some of her actions seemed very inconsistent and borderline reckless for someone who graduated with a degree in law enforcement. Her feelings and Colt’s were all over the place. Plus I could not understand why she took over calling the lawyer and why she never informed her parents at certain points in the story. Because of this, I had a difficult time relating to her. Renegade on the other hand was great. I would have liked to heard more about him and how/why Kaitlyn decided to get him.
I’ve read and listened to several other books by Jodi Burnett. They are great. The point of view on this one is different and perhaps that why I’m not quite as engaged. Still, I enjoy Jodi’s books and will definitely read and listen to more in this series.