What a fun, silly book! Toss a bunch of ladies together for a free 3-week self-development course in the countryside with a bit of mystery, a bit of magic, and at least one very vocal and naughty little demon. lol Jenny and Jizzimus had me laughing often. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect with this story but I enjoyed the ride nonetheless. Since the tale starts off a little serious with Jenny rescuing young Kay from some sort of human trafficking, I wasn’t sure if this book was going to be a thriller or a comedy. But if you’re looking for something light-hearted, I think this fits the bill, and then some. Kay and Jenny get to meet out some justice along their way to self-improvement while in the country.

Jizzimus is a little entertaining smartass. He often had me laughing (often in an inappropriate and juvenile way). I could just picture Jenny face-palming often, at a loss for how to rein in Jizzimus. And yet the little guy seems to have a little heart of gold too, always watching out for Jenny when it really matters.

And Jenny’s secret (which we know right away) is that she’s a wicked witch (even though she denies herself the worst of her witchy ways like eating kids). It causes her some angst but her will is strong and refuses to give in to the bad habits that give her kind a bad reputation and end them on an impromptu pyre.

Meanwhile, the self-development course is full of all sorts of surprises! Indeed, Jenny finds out she has a lot in common with these other ladies. They are an eclectic lot and there’s a lot of fun personalities to mesh and collide and bounce off each other. It also turns out that not all of them are as benevolent as we first think. The plot thickens! By the end, we have a lot of questions answered, some solid justice handed out, and a good place for a sequel to launch off of. 5/5 stars.

The Narration: Diana Croft was a good fit for this book. I felt her voice for Jenny was spot on and I loved her voice for the irascible Jizzimus. My one little quibble would be that a few of her male character voices could use a bit more masculinity. Croft did have unique voices for all the characters so it was easy to keep them straight, which was especially important for all the quick back-and-forth conversations and quips. The pacing was spot on and there were no tech issues with this recording. 4.5/5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own.