This book was more of a thriller than horror and was extremely heavy on religion. Dr. Kevin Ballard is a scientist who teaches and writes about evolution. His parents were very religious and feared for his soul. When Dr. Ballard and his assistant, Kate, go to the mountains of Kentucky to study an endangered plant, they are drawn into the depraved mind of a religious zealot.

The pair first stumble upon the desecrated body of a young woman, then an old man is killed after talking to them about the plant. When Kevin goes to visit his mother, he finds that she has been murdered. Is someone stalking Kevin or has God decided to reign his judgment on Kevin because of his unbelief?

Parts of this book were tension filled and creepy, but the pacing and storyline were hard to follow at times. The book relied heavily on Scripture and the villain was genuinely horrific. However, I would have enjoyed the book more if it had been easier to follow and if the characters had been a little more developed. Also, the ending was so abrupt and unresolved after all of the mayhem that I was a little disappointed.

The narrator, Sean Duregger, actually saved this book for me. If it hadn’t been for his wonderful pacing, voices and performance, I don’t know that I would have finished it. I was given the chance to listen to this audiobook by the author/narrator/publisher and chose to review it.