Dead Mech Walking

Surprisingly good.

Sympathetic protagonist with very good character development, though the military elements are a bit hand-waved. Very good action scenes (clearly based on Battletech). Interesting world/game design that doesn’t spend too much time on the game elements. And a plot that works well with the characters and has excellent twists.

Wounded Legion

The first half of this book is relatively weak: “Why is everybody picking on me?”

But the conclusion redeems the start with a redemptive, though bittersweet, ending. There is more than a bit of deus ex machina to that ending, but it’s not entirely unreasonable, and it is satisfying.

Ghost Platoon

The weakest book in the series, but still entertaining.

Most of the book is arena battles, and they’re written well. The character development is good, but the plot is rather weak, with major elements mentioned in passing but never developed. The denouement is a bit trite and seems intended for a setup for a new series. (I don’t see any evidence of such a new series, FWIW.)

In spite of the flaws and the weaker final installment, I would recommend the series. It’s a snappy read and entertaining throughout. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s a well-crafted ride.