This is bar none the worst book I have EVER read.

The plot holes are too numerous to count. The story blazes along like it wants to get to a specific point but it veers off to cover odd tangents that don’t add to the plot. There is next to no world building and the main character pulls spells out of no where because he is the Mcguffin.

His interactions with his rival are laughable and childish at best, it’s like walking in during the last five minutes of a movie and having missed the by-play except there was no by-play… ever. The villain who is named Abraxas, is random, spontaneous, and cartoonishly villainous. His motives make make no sense, why is such a “powerful” entity is trying to acquire weaker spell than he already knows makes no sense.

To top it all off while the voice actor pulls a decent number of voices out the main character’s mentor sound like he is voiced by Microsoft Sam.