This audiobook is at once relevant, timely, thought-provoking and important. The author starts by describing the vital role that Congress plays in keeping the U.S. political system functioning properly (i.e. by creating laws). The author shows why modern-day Congress is having such difficulty getting things done, explaining in detail the legislative steps that have led to today’s congressional gridlock. Each subsequent chapter provides the listener with a series of suggestions on what can be done to get Congress back on track.

This book is refreshingly non-partisan, providing input and offering suggestions from both Republicans and Democrats. I LOVED how well the author shows us that today’s problems in Congress have almost NOTHING to do with the individuals in Congress- or their political affiliations- and nearly EVERYTHING to do with the structural and procedural weaknesses in the Congressional system. This helps the listener to understand why Congress has become so partisan and why it’s so difficult to get anything done in Congress. We have created a system that is perfectly designed for giving us what we’re currently getting: nearly nothing. If the People want different congressional outcomes, the People will need to change the congressional system! This audiobook offers listeners-and Congress-a roadmap for changing the system with which Congress operates.

The narration of this audiobook is good; the narrator speaks clearly and has a pleasant voice.

I was provided this audiobook at no charge by the author, publisher and/or narrator in exchange for an unbiased review.