with anything in life we get older. Jason has been not only enjoying and fighting against bad guys and taking names. But genuinely also failing and still fighting against time and age. He and his crew are slowly reaching a shelf life. True enough he has his augmentation, will the rest start to do so also? This volume really brings out the reality check for burke and his crew. Not to mention the fact that he is rusty and has simply been going through the motions via his notoriety. Due to their false sense of brovado etc, will it be their downfall? will some in the crew get hurt due to their failings? will Omega Force reincarnate like the Phoenix has been able to do?

I believe this books was amazing. Truly brought out a snag most authors don’t show imo. Heroes grow older. Time has a way of over coming even the best of the best ones I even with science and futuristic means. You can only tweak and edit your body before age catches up. Doesn’t mean though that Jason and his crew are down and out.

The Question” What was the real reason or is there a good enough goal for them to be fighting for all the while risking their lives and bonded brotherhood.”

personally the question of why hasn’t burke started to expand the Mercenary Crew he has. there has been quite a few moments where there was means and chance to do so. Also I get the feeling Jacob should be brought into the fold. Or at least a Taskforce should be spearheaded along side omega force. Jason will always be the Bad Ass Do Gooder but I feel he needs to start bringing in new or fresh blood into omega force and expand. instead of doing what he does greatly at risk of his friends who yes knew what they signed up for.

but for you the reader. I hope you find yourself immersed as Omega Force Goes through a bit of Trial and Tribulation as Some of the Crew tries to come to terms with their mortality or will they retrograde like Jason did.