Great story, great writer, great narration. The weird little sound effects that showed up very infrequently was… weird. But the rest was great.

Being the third book in the series, I feel this way about the other two as well, so this series is definitely worth picking up. Annie Ellicott’s narration is wonderful, and Jeff Hays in small quantities helps add some nice variety. Carrie Summers’ storytelling is truly engaging, and there’s little bits and pieces that I really appreciated – it’s weirdly uncommon to see LitRPG authors expressing a grasp of the more technical things they attempt to touch upon, so something as insignificant as mentioning commits to a repository and checking out files made the world feel more genuine and believable. It’s very clear that the author has a background in game development, and knows what they’re talking about.

I also did want to mention that I really enjoyed the balance between the events happening in the real world, and those occurring in the game. As much as I love LitRPG, those that occur purely within the game feel far less satisfying. There were definitely moments where the first few words of a chapter bringing me back into Devon’s reality filled me with excitement.

I will definitely be on the lookout for more of Carrie Summers’ work in the future.