Don’t create a world and a system if you don’t even follow your own “rules”. The book makes a big point of claiming that the game is”physics based”. Yet, someone with 1 strength point can kill someone with 200 strength points. Well, that defies something called physics. Just like a newborn baby can’t stab a knife through a full grown man’s chest. The gap between 1 strength and 200 strength is a vast ocean compared to the water droplet difference between a baby and a man. The MC can 1 shot world bosses almost immediately. Yet, after 75 years in the game he isn’t even as strong as several players were after 1 year. Crazy! The last fight absolutely destroys the book. Introducing new metal types for weapons and armor, instant re-spawn crystals (takes 2 weeks to respawn the entire book), every random enemy character can now magically revive their cohorts. The team of good guys trained 70 years together on the deadliest planets, honing their teamwork. Most of the book is about them training together. They get outplayed and outclassed by lower lvl mercenaries that haven’t trained together. RIDICULOUS!