i was a bit nervous the first time i heard a background sound enter the narration. I’m not a fan of “graphic novels” as sound effect audio books are called. but this sound was cleverly done, simple, and pertinent. It comes in very early so it’s no spoiler. it’s a precursor indicator for that difficult-to-convey in-game chat function that was introduced in book one. a brief bit distinct sound is now heard just before each character speaks using that function. making it much easie to know when this one chat is happening, rather than “out loud”.

my concern initially was this book was about to be flooded with sound FX, which actually makes it more difficult for me to follow along without being distracted. this didn’t happen. this is the only effect present and it was indeed a huge help and non invasive 😂.

loved this book. went by even faster than the first. started this morning and now finished same evening. can’t quite believe how dark it is outside.

thanks to the author and narrator for writing such a refreshingly unique litRPG, avoiding most of the annoyingly overdone tropes and for bringing this to life with such a talented and unique voice over to really make this stand out with brilliance!!

book 3 should have downloaded by now, i wonder if I’ll be getting any sleep tonight…?