Really enjoyed this book. It follows some of the same formula as the previous book, though doesn’t focus on the real life side at all, which isn’t necessarily bad. Additionally, it focuses far less, if at all, on the adult side of the series. The voice acting / production value was great for how short of a book it was, I really hope they keep it up for the next books.

The main issue I have with the book is that it’s very short for how much you’re paying. I do feel it would be a lot more fair to price it around the $5 range, or for it to go on a more significant sale before the next book is released. I do however think, despite the length, it’s a great self contained story in the universe. That being said, it really should be listed in the same series as the previous book, as you’re missing a lot if you read this without reading the previous book, and a new reader might not be as invested, or think to look at the authors previous works.