I love the world that has been built up, so many creative ideas that’s simply brilliant in their own way, There’s many things to like about this series.

That said, the romance between the two side-characters really ruins it. not because it’s a gay romance, but because it goes from “a character has a crush” to full blown romance in so little time. If it had been built up, just a little it’d be much more palatable, but as is, it’s from 1 to 100 in no time, without hinting one of the characters is even interested in men, even some signs to the opposite. if it had built over half the book or such, it would have been great, but as is, it feels token and forced. To me it means I will return the first two books in the series and not go on, And it’s not because it’s a gay relationship, I hate every type badly implemented romance, build it up properly or keep it out.