So just hypothetically. You and a large party travel across country, 2000 miles by car. You make very regular stops to forage for supplies and food. You check out dozens of homes although interestingly almost no businesses. And across all these states, you are an able to find firearms or ammunition in any reasonable supply. Really? In America?

Or let’s say you absolutely need medicine. Prescription medicine. You’re traveling between towns and you check out lots of homes to see if there’s any unexpired medicine. But you Never check out a drugstore though or the pharmacy counter the supermarket. Really?

And let’s say you were writing apocalyptic fiction. Aside from selling lots and lots of sequels, why would you drag it out for five volumes. Well, perhaps there’s enough interesting material? Nope. Just lots of fighting over and over and over.

This series is turning out to be an enormous waste of time and credits.
Incredibly sloppy.