I read a lot of the reviews before deciding to give this book a chance. It’s realistic story telling, of things, most people don’t like to speak about. It’s not pleasant to hear some of the things the author scripted, but let’s face it, – it happens all the time. Some of those times, right underneath the roofs of our very own homes.

It does mention the VERY age inappropriate relationship, and some people are mentioning pedophilia; but to focus on just the one thing, leaves out a whole book, and the happenings surrounding the stuff we don’t want to hear about. The book has more than just two characters, and all those characters play a role in this book.

If you know anything about less fortunate areas of our nation, you’ll clearly see this book describes many of our “small town America” issues. The things that are hidden from view, but still there. Practically everything this author wrote, I have seen, or read about in newspapers, or even knew someone, or knew a place/area that this book could had been describing.

If you decide to choose this book, and you are a sensitive person, or one who is judgemental, be warned of main two characters. But give the book a chance, go into it knowing the author wrote about unpleasant things we as people close our eyes to, and want to act like it doesn’t happen.

Tha narrator was good, and I could easily switch between characters.