I’m hesitant to trash someone’s hard work and effort, but frankly this book shouldn’t have been released as it is. I repeatedly found myself frustrated with, excruciatingly slow pacing, non-sequitur dialogue, anime style angst and overreaction in the characters, cringey descriptions, and a lot of build up that doesn’t deliver. For example, it’s nearly 7 hours into the book before the character gets a handle on their cultivation and growth. And up to that point, there is really only a single major event in the book. One might think that this would provide an opportunity for fantastic character development, but everyone remains very two dimensional.

The book explores an interesting conundrum when it comes to dealing with corruption and multiple channels, but fails to help the reader and main character appreciate the progress. The bones of a good story are here, but it really needs some significant editing and rewrites. I have about an hour left in the book and I am at the height of what I think is the climax of the story and frankly, I’m so disappointed that I probably won’t finish it. I loved The Divine Dungeon series. This story pales in comparison.