for all fans of dungeon world or dungeon madness or any of the good LIT RPG books… this is the best. This has the solid ending, no sequel baiting or silly characters to make the protagonist feel better. This is about the grit of humanity, coming together and beating an unstoppable foe. all of the books are. spoiler

there is a rhythm to these books. set up threat, defeat main character, grind to gain levels or powers, slight twist, and then completion. Yet these stories have a hear to them. it’s not the same characters each time. they have grown over 360 years living and adventuring. Old man Vincent really does feel old at the end of this. Zan has matured even though she has not aged. what I’m saying is read this book. the narration is amazing and flows so well it does not distract with minutiae about levels and spell descriptions every 5 mins.