A pseudo realistic sci-fi that’s funny. No, it’s not like some of the other more serious series that keeps you thinking that the Earth and humanity are going to die and is dramatic. I’m thinking of series like Red Rising and Terran Armor Corps (or related series). No, this isn’t that.
This is laugh out loud enjoyment. When’s the last time you enjoyed a book? This is like Deadpool, funny but having a story. It’s not, like some reviews say, pointless. It has a plot, very well spelled out. It has character growth. It has arcs, surprises, all the things good stories have. It’s also no joke funny. I mean, “Wait wait wait….. cliffhanger.” Come on!
I’ve read so many serious Sci fi series recently they blend together. This is the only book I remember in recent history that’s unique. I hope Space Force comes back. I hope it sticks with the same style and keeps it going. I want to enjoy listening to books again without the fear of having to wait for another series to finish an arc (looking at you Valkyrie. Uncool. Very uncool.)
So, to sum up. Will this be your #1 Sci-fi series? No. Will it be the most remembered that’s not a total joke, but an actual story with humor included? Absolutely. You will not forget this book, ever. And if you’re like me it’ll actually make you appreciate the other series you have more. It’s a wonderful break in the dramatic and it’s enjoyable. Give it a try, and you’ll thank me.