The Wrong Heart, written by Jennifer Hartmann, is an angst-filled contemporary romance that deals with heavy themes, such as the loss of a loved one and self-harm/suicide.

The book is a dual POV that follows the FMC of Melody, who just experienced a significant loss; her husband, Charlie, died in a horrible hit-and-run. Charlie was an organ donor, and his heart was given to an unknown person. Desperate, Melody reaches out to get information on the recipient of the heart, only to be given an email address. Parker, the MMC, is the owner of the email address.

This story is deep, and the emotions in this book are raw and heavy. You could feel Melody’s loss and pain. I wanted nothing more than to find her comfort. Parker’s story – wow. His tragic childhood damaged him on so many different levels. The book is an emotional roller coaster that barely gives you a moment to breathe before something else gut-wrenching happens.

The narration was done very well, and you could feel the angst, pain, relief, and love.