As these books start, the rapture is underway. Our heros, upon recognizing that they were left behind, repent and convert to Christ Jesus. Now perhaps it may worry you that, from this point on, our protagonists will just be Jesus-lovin’ hippies that trust that vengeance is God’s, He’ll repay, while they ought to turn the other cheek, minister to the needy, and love their enemies as they’ve been commanded. However, let me allay your fears, our heroes are gun-totin’, ass-kickin’, shoot-’em-first-let-God-sort-’em-out-later ‘merican Christians, who unwaveringly understand that all violence and killing is justified from here on out. But first, they must repent for having believed in global warming.

To be fair, their cartoonishly evil enemy are Globalists who have the audacity to call their law enforcement officers “peacekeepers” rather than the “police”. Worse yet, these nefarious Globalists plan to implement 5G internet everywhere and make the internet free. Luckily, our heroes have allies in the Proud Boys.

Our protagonists have become well-enough versed in the Bible to realize that the 2nd Coming of Jesus is only a few years away. Even still, God didn’t let humans invent guns because He plans on protecting His own people. Hell no! Our unprovoked heroes realize it’s their Christian duty to start kickin’ some booty, lest these unrepentant Globalists succeed in their dastardly plan to rebuild a city.