Danger Hudson started out as a street racer to a professional driver..He’s the bad boy of racing,, Fights, alcohol, drugs, and women. .
Then along comes Monterey Grander,, daughter of th teams owner.
Shes intelligent, beautiful, strong and vulnerable.
He goes along with the plan to be in a fake relationship with his daughter to clean up his image.
I love how Logan chance slowly developed their relationship throughout the story.
Danger is hiding his childhood from everyone. If it’s found out, he feels that could ruin him forever.
The story shows his vulnerability, he doesn’t know how to handle the emotions that he is feeling towards Monterey.
Monterey is falling for Danger but she feels he is holding back and doesn’t want to share his past.
I enjoyed listening to this story narrated by Lacy Laurel and Alexander Neal. they brought the intensity and emotions in this story.

momterey Grander