I expected a lot more from a book with 4 1/2 Stars, but this is pretty weak.

For one thing, the characters, which the author take a lot of time developing, are completely unlikable. I mean, really unlikable. The ‘main’ character Mike is tolerable, and you’d like to see him survive, but that’s it. Other than the Uber driver, I was rooting for most others to die off.

The story is also filled with ‘Oh, c’mon!” moments that seem completely unlikely. Best example: come to a roadblock that was hastily set up, with thinly spread out military reservists, designed to keep people within their home zones. the roadblock is maned by under a dozen soldiers, but when the jeep runs through the roadblock, the army send a Humvee and an Apache helicopter chasing after them for miles and miles… really? C’mon!

This is pretty bad, don’t waste your credits.