I bought this book thinking it was A normal fantasy novel. I was irritated as I listened and realized it was a video game transformed into an audiobook. I feel that they should put these books in their own completely different genre for teenagers you can’t get enough gaming.

The story Is actually pretty good if you can just get your head around that somehow a computer Gaming menu just somehow appears with nerdy Statistics i.e. level III Mana speed 3.79 Etc. in the book and story.

Every time I would start getting into the story Dante would stop and check his world energy menu to check his stats to see if he is leveled up Which was really annoying and didn’t even need to be in the story. I really felt he could just remove all their game reference speak and type a story together and make a decent audiobook.

But I guess there’s some people who This kind of thing, that’s fine, I just wish all these types of titles had a blaring And very distinguishable way of identifying these books right from Audible’s recommended title selection.

And although the story was OK, and drew me in sometimes, The constant killing for no reason just left a bad taste in my mouth. In a game when a character dies he’ll respawn and lose some experience or levels or if it’s a monster they respawn after so many hours, so killing different people monsters isn’t again and I’m sure gives most players reasons to go out and kill more people in Monsters. But in a story or a book where the characters in monsters die and die for good, it just is weird When the main character acts like he has a conscience and morals, but Has no problem killing anyone and everyone that will help him level up including the guy begging for his life who had a pregnant wife. I know he put this in here for shock value but it just wasn’t done well and it just doesn’t help the story. I keep waiting for the guy to be somewhat of a hero or anti-hero but get let down every time he kills someone for no reason. Which I would expect in a book about a killer or an assassin or even a dark type of novel but this novel wasn’t advertised as any of those so it just wasn’t very readable to me for those reasons. I felt I was reading a teenager’s idea of how the world works put into an Imaginary story. I Kept thinking I hope I never meet the author, As he probably thinks he could get experience for killing anyone in his path.

If you like this type of story and type of “book “then you’ll love it I am sure. But if you’re looking for a story that leaves you feeling excited for the next book and fulfilled this probably won’t do it for you.