When presidential candidate Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin a great leader, his statement uncovered not only his own lack of knowledge of Russia’s leader but that of most Americans.

One of Putin’s colleagues said of him that Putin as a former member of the KGB is professionally trained to be an expert liar. Once Putin came to power in the Kremlin, his expertise in deceitfulness, power grabs and high level espionage came to light.

Steven Lee Meyer’s book is likened to the computer manual that did not come with one’s complicated device. Americans who rely on the news to gain information about Vladimir Putin only know the man through tidbits and shallow sound bytes through their favorite biased news source.

Former president George W. Bush once looked into Putin’s eyes and felt he had caught a glimpse of a man with a sincere and honest soul. Eight years later President Bush now had a first hand understanding of Putin that caused him to doubt his first impression of the man.

This book will challenge everything you know about Vladimir Putin and replace your level of knowledge with a deep comprehension of the history of this man and what makes him tick.

The findings are not pleasant, believe me.