I generally start with what I didn’t like about a book. Here, I am going to go with what I liked, and that is Kafer’s narration. He is a master vocalist, and clearly comes from the tradition of Mel Blanc, only he can do more with his voice. He is a vocal Lon Chaney, Sr. A master. His voice really helps to sell the story, and it completely sets the tone and pacing. So, fine work, good sir!

The book itself is a killer combo of action, humor, romance?(yep), and melodrama. Plus, who doesn’t root for the bad guys? The villains rules play out humorously and is not what you might expect. I now know that this is going to be a series and am happy to hear that. I really had a hard time stopping the book when real life intruded, just couldn’t put it down.

There are no bad guys, and this is a great book. I will certainly look for more stuff from Gibson. he has a quick wit, and has mastered humor in the written word.