First, Soundbooth did an excellent production.

Second, this book is terrible, don’t buy it.


I have listened to a lot of LitRPG, and as is usually the case when the Main Character gets overpowered or has some kind unique edge, you at least understand and appreciate the effort required to become that way.

However these characters are quite literally given every advantage right from the start. Unique abilities, a unique character class, Mythical gear for them. Every NPC they meet, soon starts praising and treating them like family, the “Evil” faction is comically inept and is humiliated at every turn. The team steam roller their way through dungeons, with zero effort. The female characters are so bland and generic, fawning over the MC and anything “cute”. If it wasn’t for the swearing, I would put this firmly as a kids book.

Team America for SJW’s. Uggh.