Honestly wasn’t sure what I was getting into, since a short sample for more hours than what I know what to do with doesn’t really tell you much. Honestly wasn’t sure between the quarter and halfway mark… Kubu kinds held me in there along with the interesting relationship between science and magic which is like oil and water. The goody two shoes as a main character is a hard sell towards the beginning, I forgot to mention I didn’t realize the other series are actually other series. Spoilers from here on, It’s when we start getting the extra main characters that it starts taking off. Kubu is great it’s really pretty great that someone took the time to think from a sentient dogs point of view, and even plays on the age discrepancy. Double W, really picked it up for me, things were pretty light and airy but over such a long series it was pretty neat to see things get grittier. Like going from golden era batman to hush. Wesley over the entire experience is just super interesting. Not just a meatball, he has a reason for showing up missing a screw and knows it. Tiffany is bit rough but can see a whole nother series to turn her around. Esper and Tiffany was left pretty unexplored after Tiffany started getting really dark. She just incinerates people and Wesley doesn’t bring it up for a confrontation with Esper which is just odd. Tanny seems like a straight man when more of plot came around. Doesn’t stand out very much but that’s what the straight man is there for. To hold together a madhouse. Again the bizarre view of magic and technology is great. If the entire experience sucked which it didn’t the moment when the wizard that chases them to Poltid shows up and tells the captain to use the tractor beam on the ship and the captain is just speechless and has to explain to a man that can literally warp reality and incinerate people that tractor beams don’t exist…. and the wizards response is, is there a claw? It really highlights that wizards have to divorce technology so much that they view technology as alien as what we would view magical if it sprang up in our real world. Overall I enjoyed it but it was definitely tough towards the beginning. I would honestly love a split in the timeline and hang out around the Cult of Ra arc for longer, not the actual arc but that area of character development. When we start getting to where Tanny comes it it’s just gets a bit heavy pretty fast.
Review from Black Ocean: Mercy for Hire →