Story 3 1/2. Narration 5 stars. The story is well written and the characters are well developed. Time travel stories can be mind boggling. This one is no different. I think the author does a great job sewing time-lines together. My only issues are of my opinion only and not anything the author necessarily did wrong. I adore Maria. I wish more of the story followed her instead of Alayna. Perfect Alayna with no flaws drove me crazy. I also feel like the breastfeeding was a bit over the top. I get it. I just don’t want to keep reading about it. Good grief. Before I get attacked by the breast feeders club of America, that’s just my opinion. Breast feed away. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just don’t want to keep reading about it. Other than that, it was pretty good.
Review from Remnants on the Tides of Time →