I received a free copy of this audio book in return for a honest review. When a book starts with a disclaimer like this one I sometimes will not go forward with it. I really don’t need anyone to be my moral compass or political guardian angel. I read and listen for the sheer enjoyment of a good book.

I kind of laughed at the opening disclaimer thinking “oh, here we go again! Someone being judge and jury over a group of people that disagree with them politically and spiritually”. and I was right. The author’s ideology could have ticked me off to no end. Some of my best friends and loved family members are liberals and I don’t think they are snowflakes, heterophobes, secular enemies of the right, or bleeding hearts or living in an alternate universe.

I liked the book. And while it is not one that I would listen to again or read a second time, I did like it. The characters were well developed and bouncing back and forth between past and present showed how things were so very different in previous years. The child abuse that Graham experienced and the non reporting of it was true to that time. His father was a sick, sick man and Graham will have to deal with his past to survive the present. The two reporters filled the quota for people of color and alternative lifestyles as did their dislike of Christians. These little digs were kind of here and there throughout the book and I thought unnecessary. It just irritated me and distracted me from the story. And that is why there is only a pretty good rating.

The narrator was very good. He was able to change voices and brought characters to life. I have said it many times in other reviews that the narrator can make or break a book. This narrator was an excellent choice he was an asset to your book.

I recommend this book. Some people will like it and some people won’t. Give it a try.