I enjoyed this book for the most part. Compared to what I usually read this is a fairly simple book about a guy that gets caught up in a tough situation. Jason is a prior service guy who just wanted to keep quiet and live on his own. Mistakenly boarding an alien vessel, he finds himself at odds with its only other passenger, a synthetic being named Deets. While on board, they converse and he’s convinced to tag along. Eventually Jason finds himself on a world where he learns about modifications he can do to his body, and more importantly, the true purpose of the voyage. The Nefarious intent discovered, Jason and a new crew find a way to remedy that situation and deal with Deets. After a short time, a new threat emerges and they deal with that facility as well. Read the book to find those details.

As mentioned before the characters are pretty straight forward and the plot is simple but it works well. It’s clearly the introduction to a series of books, but I don’t feel forced to continue of I really didn’t want to.