As with most of the stuff Jeff Hays does, this was a good performance by him and I liked his various voices for the characters. I had listened to The Feedback Loop books that he did and was surprised how different he was in this compared to that book; he may be one of my newest favorite narrators.

Storywise this book isn’t bad. Corvin likes to jump between characters quite a bit but I’m glad it stays within context for most things that are happening. The relationships that are formed between a few characters in the story though…I’m unsure how to feel about those. They aren’t bad but there were many times that I stopped and wondered if Corvin has been reading and borrowing too much from Robert Jordan. The relationships between males and females has this kind of “warring sexes” thing that Jordan did in his novels. Corvin’s use of the trope isn’t overbearing like Jordan’s but I’m kind of afraid it’ll get that way in future books.

I believe this considered a LitRPG and I guess in some ways it is. If you are expecting detailed stats and damage numbers, this story doesn’t have those. It has some of the things I find amusing in the genre though, such as adapting “fantasy tech” with modern ideas. I do wish Corvin would explore some of the other species’ culture and background though (ie: species tech, home worlds, etc). Maybe it’ll happen in future books.

All things considered, 5/5, I’ll be getting the next book.