Throne of Winter is a fun spin on the normal fae and royalty urban fantasy novel.

First, I’m thrilled it takes place in Hawaii. That’s right, right where I live now. So fun to hear all the local names.

Two, it’s not the normal faery court novel. The royalty is not the Fae, but the Hawaiian Casters (yes, warlocks) are the ruling people. The Fae are their subordinates.

The cities are under domes, to protect the Casters from the bitter cold and dangers of the world, and to contain the workers (i.e. Fae, Shifters).

Maybrie is part of the underground rebellion, and when Prince Kai wants to date her, she uses this opportunity to spy on the royal family and find out what they know about the rebellion.

But things don’t turn out as she expects. Do you think she starts falling for the prince? That’s to be expected, right?

And then she learns her rebellion allies are keeping dark and dangerous secrets. Brie has to decide for herself what side she is really on, and who is right.

Some complaints include cliches. TWICE she lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Come on!

The audio narration was good, the voices enjoyable and cadence fit the tone of the book well.

So overall, a pretty fun premise and a great start to a series. Curious to see where it leads.

I received a complimentary audiobook for review.