Based on the title and cover I was pretty sure that this story was going to be a bit risqué, but I had hoped that it might be kind of cheeky, funny and a little naughty humor with witty and amusing double entendres and things like that. Nope. Its just sophomoric and misogynistic. One gets the impression that the author is basically a 14 year old boy who spends way too much time on mediocre computer RPG games and internet porn. What story there is gets drowned in the overused mess of computer game type technical babble (which is why not many authors use that trope). He does manage to craft a few amusing scenes here and there but on the whole the story lacks wit, interest, or any sort of redeeming value, and every female character is basically copied from the most debasing sort of porn stereotypes. It is sometimes fun to read a story about anti-heroes, but such stories usually involve a bad guy with a heart of gold, or someone who does bad things with good intentions, or turns over a new leaf in the end or somehow justifies the reader in taking an interest in them. Not this story. In this story the only people who aren’t unrepentantly selfish, cruel, and amoral get killed off within a few minutes and the story follows an essentially evil character gradually gaining power through occasional cunning and mostly a lot of bumbling luck, at the expense of everyone around him. The epilog hints that the next book in the series is maybe going to address racism in a fantasy manner, but whether this author will write a story against racism or in favor of it is an open question. He certainly hasn’t managed anything at all promising with his first effort. I would have hoped that a good publisher would reject drivel like this, but alas the standards of publishing seem to have gone to the dogs these days. The narrator at least does a competent job of narrating the story, voices, sound effects, etc., but that doesn’t do much to save the production.