I figured that I would give this a try since it includes the whole series. I do not buy the serialized books anymore unless they can stand alone or are offered like this. And I’m glad I did. This is an above average zombie tale with enough different takes/unique angles to make it a unique zombie tale. The action sequences are done right and there are plenty of them. The characters could be more developed, but it doesn’t take away much from the story.
You definitely grow to like the characters and you will root for their survival.

The narration is good to great. He brings the characters to life by being pretty versatile.

Now, some will say you have to suspend belief because of some of the storylines in this book. I would say…it’s a zombie novel.

However, I still recommend this novel with the caveat that it’s just an above average tale that I would read just for fun. Don’t expect too much…but don’t expect it to be one of those awful stories written by an author during their lunch breaks.