Do straight women really think gay men (and lesbians) deal with homophobia constantly, in, like, every single interaction we have? I’ve been openly gay since I was a teenager, I’ve lived in the North, South, and Midwest, in small towns and big cities, and the last time someone said anything overtly homophobic to me was in college, 20 years ago, and even then it was pretty half-hearted. But one would think from reading this book that a gay person can’t go a day without being gay bashed. There seems to be a love story in here somewhere, but good luck finding it under all the preachy progressive garbage written in flowery language. “Silence is hate wrapped in privilege,” one of the characters opines at one point, as a peripheral character is YET AGAIN called some homophobic slur. Is the author writing a novel or a tweet?

The narrators are good; Tim Paige is better than Kirt Graves, but maybe I just liked his character better. The character of June is abrasive and awful. Not a fan.