For once, a story normally in the post-apocalyptic genre actually tells how said apocalypse occurs. It’s a pretty realistic premise too – a solar flare overloads the ancient power grids of the United States, leaving millions without power.

Our hero is a little bit Jason Bourne, a little bit Breaking Bad, and a little bit Dukes of Hazzard. Westley Flagg is also a bit of a softie, adopting a stray dog almost immediately and utterly devoted to helping his grandparents, going so far as to break the law to pay for his grandpa’s surgery.

As the power fails, he’ll need to take care of his family and remain independent, as raiders and governmental remnants alike try to lay claim to his little patch of the heartland. It’ll be interesting to see how things unfold during this catastrophe.

**Per my request, I was given a promotional copy, and have voluntarily left a fair and honest review**