I lived in Colorado Springs when this horrific murder occurred. In fact, my home was close enough to that of Salmon and Woldt that I walked past their house most mornings on my neighborhood walk before work. I remember the morning I saw the crime vans and all the police there. I remember the swamp of reporters that soon followed. It was a truly terrifying time and a terrifying crime. I moved away before they came to trial and chose this book to learn “the rest of the story”. Steve Jackson wrote this book passionately from all angles and his epilogue completely dispels any confusion a reader might have as to his impartiality regarding the death sentence. I, myself, lost my father to someone whose actions were responsible for his death and watched as he played the “games” in court that allowed him to walk completely free and even laugh in his deposition about the impending death of my father. I know how perverted the justice system can be when rendering “justice”. I feel that my own experience allows me to completely understand and agree with Steve Jackson’s viewpoints regarding the trial itself and defense attorneys who eagerly play these games to relieve their clients of any responsibilities for the heinous acts they’ve committed. It’s not a game to the victims, trust me; it’s a sham. So, praise to Steve Jackson for his detailed work and portrayal of characters in this book. May it be an eye opener to others who have a blind trust in our system of “justice”. Great book!