This book was given to me for free at my request and I am providing this voluntary review.

I enjoyed this book far more than I was expecting, though it is not without its flaws. Although the main character seemed to have a virtually impenetrable ‘plot shield’, the story kept me interested throughout the course of the book. The trusting but not helpless nature of the main character was well balanced with the power he wields through an AI that will do anything (and I mean anything) to help him survive. Though the AI is ‘on his side’, the sinister overtones become more and more apparent as the priorities and manipulations of the AI become more apparent (to the reader, not to the characters). Sadly, the book ended on a cliffhanger, leaving behind several dangling plot strings. I will likely be purchasing the omnibus sometime in the future. I recommend buying this book – though be sure to purchase the omnibus if you do.