This series is my favorite post-apocalyptic series I’ve read so far. If you like “Going Home” by A. American, you’ll love this. It’s a similar storyline with better writing. I really enjoyed Going Home, but it lacked that finesse of a refined author. Franklin Horton delivers that finesse. It’s just better.
Each character is developed well, the decisions follow their personalities. I also like how the series explains what’s going on at Jim’s home as well. The story moves along at an appropriate pace. Everyone knows the basic storyline of any book in this genre, but Franklin Horton does an excellent job throwing in twists and turns that you wouldn’t expect.
One difficult task of any author of a prepper-type book is balancing the storyline and technical aspects. FH has figured out that balance. I found myself writing down notes of tips from the book. No joke, this series is just that good. I’m working on a binder for my family because of this book.
I’m all the way to book 7 in this series and plan to follow it to the end. That’s how much I have enjoyed it.
Kevin Pierce does an excellent job as a narrator. He’s one of my favorites. Always great.