The premise meant the actual story could have been terrific. The negatives outweighed the positives.


Premise about the end times and how things fall apart. Hero Noah, his wife, and child very likeable. Their friends likeable. Belief in Jesus and the Bible. Bible scriptures quoted. Respect for the life the unborn. Respect for the sanctity of marriage. Adherence to Bible principles regarding shunning all types of sexual immorality. Suburban way to make venison jerky. Other how to information. It being illegal to be a Christian – a real possibility in the USA and other places that currently enjoy freedom to worship. Reported news is not always true or relevant. 24 hours length a bargain.


Encouragement to stock up on guns and ammo and use them to kill other people. Christ, his disciples and his followers for about 100 to 300 years after his death did not resort to violence when being violently persecuted. This book encourages others to disobey. When the end comes, one of the things God is going to use to kill the wicked is to have them turn on each other and kill each other with their own guns. Most of the book seems to be devoted to guns and violence.

Some of the scriptures incorrectly interpreted. Reference to the days of Noah as proof the earth would be destroyed. Wrong. We are still living the on the same earth, descendants of Adam, Eve, Noah. The thing destroyed was the world of wicked, disobedient mankind, not the literal world or earth.

The narrator, when playing Isaiah, gave his voice a commanding bossy quality when praying to God. His voice should have been humble, deeply respectful, petitioning when addressing the Ruler & Owner of the universe and everything in it, including Isaiah. That is why the narrator only gets 3 stars. Otherwise his pace, inflection, different voices good.

Still have about 2 hours left, but will not be finishing. I should have stopped listening when there was 8 hours left. Or as soon as I understood the pattern. This was a glass of water, but there is poison in it.