So as a PNR fan & a DPNR fan this book reads like a YA attempting to knock off or imitate DPNR. The characters have VERY little depth, very immature, it’s an annoyingly unrealistic shallow read. Cringes by the millionth time of listening to such an amazingly detailed description of someone’s appearance or a sex scene knowing only a quarter of that smart effort into the actual character’s themselves could have saved this book. The main female lead is SO whiny & weak, I’m not even one to even any type of over bearingly strong dom female lead or anything, just an average non whiny one would have been decent paired with a narrator’s voice who constantly sounds as if in mid organism or whisper sing song panting made the character that much worse. Gave it a few hours only due to the male lead whose character has slightly more depth & the male narration’s accent is temping to the extreme. Wondered if some reviews were faked bc this isn’t a good or even decent PNR let alone a “dark PNR” what a waste of a credit!