Love you, John Nolte.

You are far better feature writer than novelist, I’m afraid. The story plods along at a boring pace, and never fully caught my attention.

And unfortunately, after almost 5 hours of wading through your book I’m returning it to Audible for something else.

My second big gripe is your excessive use of the F word.

Totally unnecessary.

And lest you think I’m some hard up woketard troll who’s out to tarnish your good name, I’m not. I hate Disney as much as you and I relish in their self inflicted demise. KK should have been dethroned, dropped and left in the Death Star trash compactor long ago, and Brie Larson is every bit as exciting as a poached rainbow trout in the middle of Summer 3 days after it was dumped on the bank of Strawberry Reservoir.

The gratuitous F-bombs don’t add anything to the story, quite the contrary, they become a distraction from the tale you’re telling. I thought that was the kind of thing you hated in Hollywood movies, excessive F word use. Maybe I have misread your Critiques.

Should you write a second book, do consider not using f**k quite so liberally.

Strange, I never considered you a liberal.

Your Breitbart articles reflect a grand command of the English language, I’m certain there are adjectives and adverbs at your beck and call crying out to be used in your narrative.

That’s all I have from the armchair.

Overall 2 1/2 stars.