MM romance, check. Mystery/suspense, check. Snarky, smart alecky, adorable main characters, check. Tear inducing sweet and touching moments, check. Smexy times, check.

This series is fabulous! I don’t know why I was expecting the bad guy to be anyone other than who it turned out to be, but there you have it.

These books are so good. I don’t want to let Lane and Felix go. Though the first book is a HFN, this one definitely has a HEA. But I’d still love to read more from these characters. The emotions were more solid in this one, which I would expect from a more established couple. I went from laughter to tears pretty quickly in some places. Seriously, I am sure I’ll be listening to these over and over.

Please, Ms. Winters, if you read your reviews, please let this series continue!