A few months ago I got the opportunity to review For Deader or Worse, the previous book in this series. I have no qualms saying that it was the narrator Joel Froomkin (a.k.a Joel Leslie) that made me pick it up. He’s a fabulous narrator and I was curious to know him outside the m/m genre where I’m so used to listening to him. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with these characters, this world, so when there was an opportunity to listen to this book I couldn’t request it fast enough.

And I’m so happy I did, I had a wonderful time listening to this book, to visit with Julia and John again. The Bow Street Runner and the Lady.. It does have a nice ring to it if you ask me. Anyway, this time John is asked to look into a series of accidents that might not be accidents. Lady Washbourn is convinced that her husband is trying to kill her. John is far from convinced but promises to look into it. During a masquerade ball hosted by the Washbourns, one of the housemaids dies after taking a sip from a glass meant for lady Washbourn. John is convinced something sinister is going on, but proving it and finding the guilty party is an entirely different matter.

At the same time, things between him and Julia aren’t going as smoothly anymore. Sadly the honeymoon is over and now they need to agree and understand each other’s differences. Emotions run high, things are said, feelings are hurt and both being proud and stubborn people, they are facing some rough times. I’m not a fan of drama for drama’s sake or as a filler to increase word count. But credible drama, drama that fits with the characters and the story, that’s something else. And in this case it’s the latter. I believe in it, believe in the reactions from both Julia and John. It wasn’t overly dramatic, but showed us that the couple don’t only have smooth sailings and happy times.

So back to the narration and Joel Froomkin. I’m a fan, a huge one. Froomkin nails each character perfectly and he brings the listener back in time, back to Victorian London. You can see it before you; feel the feelings of the characters. You can’t really smell it, but considering the era, I think that’s a good thing 😉

Anyway, Froomkin adds emotions to his narration, he is the story and the characters, which for me is the sign of a great narrator and why I keep coming back to his books.

I loved listening to this book and I’m eagerly waiting the next instalment. Something tells me the couple are in for some challenges ahead.

A copy of this audiobook was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review