It was strange and pleasantly surprising to read his frank descriptions of things I’ve been experiencing my whole life. Every time I’ve tried to talk to anybody in my life about this, they shut me down. So it was exciting to hear someone so publicly discussing something I haven’t been allowed to discuss. I wish I’d been able to talk directly to him while he was alive. I think what made it most accessible to me was how starkly he stuck to the facts. When I have read other books about this subject or similar subjects, they were always riddled with problematic interpretations and concepts that were offputting to me and often seemed like the author was trying to create a cult following around their brand. This book doesn’t have that feel to it at all to me. He does jump to his own conclusions about things, but more in a systematic way of parsing out the details and trying to ascertain what they mean while leaving the questions open for greater understanding in the future. Because of that, he did create his own system//framework of understanding that could help others who want to explore this phenomenon, but no obligation to follow that framework is implied. While I didn’t always agree with him, I never felt like he was forcing his opinions or perspectives onto me. As someone who had one toxic religion or belief system after another shoved down my throat my whole life, this is a major prerequisite for any metaphysical content I consume. I look forward to reading his other books.