An interesting concept in the huge world of zombies. Tom is a young man forced to go with his brother, Gary, to try to find his younger sister, Larissa. Tom blames himself (as does his father) for allowing Larissa to be turned into a zombie 10 years before. While Tom and Gary are in the zombie trading area, havoc breaks loose as the zombies become free.

The idea that the government would "cure" zombies in order for them to be used as slave labor is unique. What better way to get free workers than to use zombies? Of course, when you have slaves, you also have slave traders, who also seem to function as zombie hunters.

Tom meets a young woman who is a half-breed zombie and decides to use her to find his sister. Questions arise: can he trust Penelope to not hurt him? Can he find Larissa? And, most importantly, can Penelope be cured?

The story was entertaining, but left me with a lot of unanswered questions about what made half-breed zombies. I don’t know if there are more books in this series that explain things better, but I would like to know more. All in all, an interesting book if you love zombies.

The narration was a little bland. I would have enjoyed it more with more inflection in the narrator’s voice. It was basically just reading the book aloud. I was given a copy of this Audible book by the author/narrator/publisher and chose to review it.