I listen to true crime because I look for insight into the criminal mind. Having had a personal brush with a friend who was murdered- by a friend, I’m forever left wondering why. Typically all I can conclude is that evil is as evil does. And sometimes we can see that evil coming and sometimes it charms us into a sense of false sense of security and/or friendship.
This book was however, just a bit different. Do I truly know why she went along with everything? No. I don’t think she knows either but in my opinion, Dee is relatable. I really think she just wanted to be loved and accepted. It’s plain, it’s simple, that’s it. And who can’t relate to that simplest of human needs? You can feel her heart in this book, see her humanity and had she not been a raging alcoholic I think she would have made better decisions, acceptance or not. I’m not saying there is ever a justification for murder nor am I saying her behavior should be excused just because she had a substance abuse problem. The last few minutes of the book really struck my heart. Yes indeed, love may have made a difference. And let us never forget it.