There is nothing I can say more accurate or appropriate to any one about to dive into this collection of short stories & novelettes – each one crescendoing and ending with their wonderful central characters being forced to face impossible revelations about the world and the chaos of it all that brought them to their final moment alive – that would be worded better than Laird Barron’s introduction to this debut publication. (For those new to the world of good horror literature, Barron is a heavyweight champion who makes the likes of Stephen King look like children’s books – so Laird’s giddy and enthusiastic preamble was honestly shocking for me to read as I prepared to see what this “Void” had ready for, and just as Barron stated, Fracassi has obviously been winding up for years, and this is as big of a statement as one could ever dream of from any horror author’s first volume of short stories.)

Not since John Langan’s, “The Wide Carnivorous Sky,” has there been a new name on the mainstream weird fiction/occult horror block worth obsessing over. Philip Fracassi, you HAD my curiosity, but now you have my full attention!