I won’t bother going into great length to fully and elaborately explain why this series was such an incredible purchase and read but I will hit a few bullet points.

The characters range from insane to loveable.

The mobius crew is a bunch of idiots.

They are literally the worst criminals ever.

Every single job is botched in some fantastic way or another.

They nearly destroy an entire space station because a wizard has a tantrum.

Oh yeah….. Space Wizards……

Everyone is almost always drunk.

What else could you possibly ask for? It’s 85 hours worth of
drunken idiocy like that time you were getting drunk with your friends and then decided to go get tacobell at 2 in the morning because you were hungry and suddenly you crash into a police car. What the hell do you do now? Do you run? Make up some silly lie and hope you can convince the officer not to haul you off to prison? or does the encounter get ….. deadly…. dun.. dun.. duuuun… This is the dilemma of every mission the Mobius crew understakes and they deal with it with grace and wizarding.